Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sunsweet Plant #1: More Progress

I rearranged the sidings at Campbell last year to open more switching possibilities, and one of the results of that work was space for California Prune and Apricot Growers (Sunsweet) Plant #1. It's an interesting building both it's a classic multi-story dried fruit packing house (with space to store the year's dried crop), and because the building still exists in downtown Campbell as office space.

My model of the packing house has been lingering for months, but I finally got around to putting a roof on it and adding a bit of detail, and it's worth sharing. There's a couple of spots of glue to remove. I also need to work on the paint on the fascia and getting rid of that smear of red under the eaves. Overall, though, it's coming along nicely.

And this was only one of the projects completed over Christmas. I'd explicitly decided to focus on some of the projects cluttering the workbench, and that resolution led to completion of the WP West San Jose tower, decaling two resin boxcars that had been sitting painted since February, and assembling a farm tractor that had been sitting in its Woodland Scenics bubble pack since... 2008?

I also was bad and started another project, and I'll need to show the beginnings of the San Jose Market Street train shed another day.

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