Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Teaser: Hyde Cannery

And just to tease you all about the juicy facts about to be exposed about the Hyde Cannery, let's misquote Byron Henderson from a Layout Design and Operations Meet a few years ago:

You know, you really don't need to know everything about a particular prototype before you can start building. For example, you really don't need to know how many 40 and 50 pound lugs (crates for hauling fruit from the orchards) the Hyde Cannery in Campbell had before you can start building a model of the cannery. The answer, by the way, is 33,400...

(Byron's original quote was about the number of cars that the auto track at WP's San Jose freight station could hold, but you get the idea.)

In an upcoming episode, we'll also learn the definition of a "pie foundry", which also falls solidly in saucy territory.

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