Monday, April 3, 2017

Live in Bakersfield: 3D-Printing Freight Cars at Home

By the way, if you've been following my stories about 3d-printing the Hart convertible gondolas, flat cars, and those 1902-era Battleship gondolas, note that you'll get a chance to hear about them in person.

I'll be giving a clinic on 3d-printing freight cars at the NMRA Pacific Coast Region's annual convention in Bakersfield this month. If you've been reading the saga so far, you'll be familiar with what I've been up to. However, you're still likely to enjoy the specific stories about what went well and what went badly. I'll also bring many of the models so you can see the 3d printed cars in person.

Jack Burgess is also offering a clinic on Saturday morning with a nuts-and-bolts description of using SketchUp software and Shapeways print-on-demand service to print out detail parts.

The PCR's convention is April 19-23 at the Doubletree in Bakersfield; there's more information about the convention at the PCR web site. My talk will be Friday, April 21 at 2:30.

Hope to see you all there!

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog while searching for EP&SW ore cars. Having seen photos of the SP rock cars working on the Colorado River breach I was struck by the similarities between these two cars. The EP&SW cars had their dump doors braced externally rather than by riveted internal braces and the dumping mechanism is not apparent on either end of the car. They did use a system of compressed air cylinders one for each door but they are not visible on the few photos I've been able to find. I've wondered where these cars ended up as EP&SW had if I recall right about 200 cars for ore service between Bisbee and Douglas AZ. They were built around 1906. And to my knowledge were still in service when the SP bought out the line in 1924 and inherited at least some of the equipment too. Those former EP&SW cars used by the SP might be of interest to you too. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated
    Wondering if you may have crossed paths with them in your research.


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