Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cahill Street Station Opens!

I'd said before that Google News Archive didn't have the December 30, 1935 edition of either the San Jose News or San Jose Evening News. That wasn't true, they were (at least electronically) stuck together, and being counted as part of the December 29, 1935 edition.

Here's that newspaper if you want to learn about the festivities. For best results, bring your computer outside and freeze in this week's cold San Jose weather, for the Evening News declares that the day of the opening had a "raw wind and threat of rain".

The Evening News did include details of the Special Train from the old Market Street Station to the new station via Fourth Ave. and Lick:

Throughout its short journey the train was the object of greetings by scattered groups along the right-of-way. On Fourth Street residents who have had trains rumbling in front of their homes for the last 67 years waved good-bye, rang bells and smiled.
To all appearances, the train was greeted with as much happiness along its new route as it received in farewell. As it entered the city after rumbling over the point where the Almaden [Road] subway is under construction, across other completed subways, and under the San Carlos St. viaduct, it was cheered and greeted by people who will have to live with main line traffic in years to come.
One woman patriotically saluted it with an American flag.
In the meantime, President A.D. McDonald of the Southern Pacific Company, sat in the last car with J. H. Dyer, vice-president in charge of operations, and watched intently, viewing the dangerous crossings which have been eliminated and looking over the work completed.
I'll still admit that I'm more a fan of the old Market Street station, so I'm one of those sentimental types who A. G. DuBrutz of the West Santa Clara Street Development Association disparaged in his speech:
Mr. DuBrutz expressed the appreciation of his association, and said that while some sentiment may attach themselves to the old station and Fourth Street line, the new ones mean a great step forward.
All this talk of the Market Street station has me guilty that my model of the old trainshed has been on hold for the last...six or seven years. Stay tuned for some progress on building that model!

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